“Allow Love to Support You This Season” written by Rev. Mykal J. Amaré

Love is all there is!

Heart for sight

In this season of the celebration of light there is also a time of sadness by the loss of those we love. The “first” of any event after a loss can be devastating. If you are the one who has suffered the loss I ask you to seek comfort from friends and family. If that is not possible, there are many support groups out there, I encourage you to seek one out.

If you know someone that has suffered a loss please reach out to him or her with loving support. They maynot know what they need, one of the things they may need is for someone to justlisten. Listen with an open heart without judgment or criticism. By listening you allow them to open up and release what is on their heart so that morehealing can take place.

Most spiritual centers, churches and hospitals offer some type of grief support. I urge you to use them and permit them to help you through this time.

Allow Love to support you.